Wednesday 26 September 2012

study questions on winter's tale (h.w)

1. How long does Polixenes stay with Leontes and Hermione?
Polixenes stayed with Leonted and Hermione for 9 months

2. What does Polixenes worry happens to his kingdom if he stays away too long?
He worries that is kingdom will lose its order or will be conquered.

3. How does Leontes reassure Polixenes that everything is well in his kingdom?

4. Hermione says that Polixenes can stay with them as their guest or as what?
she said he could stay as a guest or as a prisoner

5. Polixenes says that, as children, what sin does he and Leontes commit?
polixenes says that they were too innocent to sin but since then they have been subjectt to temptation

6. Polixenes tells Hermione that he and Leontes sin because they haven't met whom?
Because they had not met their current wives yet.

7. Who is Maxillius' father?
Leontes is Maxillius' father.

8. What feeling does Leontes have towards Polixenes after seeing him touch his wife's arm?
Leontes became extremely jealous,angry andd suspiscious.

9. Why does Leontes first get angry with Camillo?
He first got angry because he believed that Camillo knew about the affair between his wife and his friend and did not inform him.

10. How does Leontes plan to kill Polixenes?
 Leontes planned to kill Polixenes by poisoning him

11. Who does Leontes get to agree to kill Polixenes?
Camillo agreed to killing Polixenes.

12. What does Polixenes invoke to get Camillo to tell him Leontes' plan?

Short Answer Questions - Act 2, Scene 1
1. What does Hermione whisper in Mamillius' ear before Leontes enters?

2. Who tells Leontes that Polixenes and Camillo run off together?
The Lords informed about Polixenes and Camillo running off together.

3. Who does Leontes order to take Mamillius away from Hermione?
Antigonus was told to take Mamillius away.

4. What does Hermione deny after Leontes accuses her of having an affair?
She denied being impregnated by Polixenes

5. Who does Leontes consider Hermione's accomplice in her affair?
He considers Polixenes to be Hermoines accomplice

6. When Leontes imprisons Hermione, who does she take with her?
Hermoine took her attendants with her when she was imprisoned.

7. What does everyone think about Hermione, except her husband?
Everyone thinks that Hermoine is a good lady and is innocent of the claims made by the husband

8. Antigonus says that if Hermione is adulterous, then no other woman is what?
Antigonus said that if Hermoine is adulterous then no other woman is real,truthful but rather false.

9. How many daughters does Antigonus have?

10. If Hermione is adulterous, what does Antigonus want to do to his daughters?

11. What does Leontes send men to get from the Oracle?
He sends men to get the truth from the oracle on whether his wife is an adulterer etc.

12. How many men does Leontes send to the Oracle?
Leontes sent 2 men to the oracle.

Tuesday 25 September 2012

elizebethan theatre

In 1558 when Elizabeth the first gained the throne actors had no defined theatres. After laws were passed it was made unlawful for actors to tour and perform without support of a member of the highest ranks of the nobility. In order for actors to perform a theatre was built.Such indoor theatres were called playhouses.
 There are basically two main types of Elizabethan theatres: the public amphitheatre buildings such as the Theatre, the Globe, the Curtain and the Swan which were similar in that they were open to the sky, smaller and more expensive. The other is the private theatres such as Blackfriars and the Cockpit which were built to a hall design in enclosed and usually rectangular buildings like theatres that exist today.
‘The Theatre’ was the first theatre that was built in 1576.  It was built by the Earl of Leicester’s players who were led by James Burbage.
However, ‘the theatre’ met its demise in 1597 when it was torn to pieces. Fortunately, six months later it was rebuilt and renamed ‘the Globe.’ many of Shakespeare’s plays were performed at ‘the Globe.’
The original globe theatre was built in 1599 but in 1613, when a cannon fired as a part of a performance of Henry viii ignited theatres thatched roof, it burnt down. It was later rebuilt but the Puritans had it permanently closed in 1642.
The Elizabethan theatres that followed took on many plays by a few playwrights such include:
Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare.
Hamlet by William Shakespeare.
Merchant of Venice by William Shakespeare.
Twelfth Night by William Shakespeare.
Midsummer Night’s Dream by William Shakespeare.
Taming of the Shrew by William Shakespeare.
Henry V by William Shakespeare.
Richard III by William Shakespeare.
Edward II by Christopher Marlowe.
Doctor Faustus by Christopher Marlowe.
Jew of Malta by Christopher Marlowe.
The Spanish Tragedy by Thomas Kyd.
Every Man in His Humour by Ben Jonson - the version set in Italy, the other was Jacobean.
The Shoemaker’s Holiday by Thomas Dekker.
A Woman Killed with Kindness by Thomas Heywood.
King Leir (Anonymous) - the play on which Shakespeare based his own Jacobean King Lear.
Arden of Faversham (Anonymous).

Tuesday 11 September 2012


A theme is the main or dominant idea in a piece of art or in this case,literature. It is the main thought which the writer is seeking to depict through words,images and the various illustrations used.

1.  Friendship to me personally, is more than just a relationship. It is an unfettered, undisputed bond between persons who (though they may not be blood related) are so closely knitted that they could be mistaken as being relatives. With that being said, it can already be recognized that a great deal of value is placed on friendship because it is my friends that help to motivate me each day.

2.      2. Though I have had several childhood friends and best friends, to be specific, none of them are still my best friends today. This is because we lost communication after we dispersed to different schools.

3.       3.Without loyalty proper relationships would not exist and this is in my opinion. Loyalty is a very important principle that I build my life on as I strive to maintain good relationships with people and most of all a good relationship with God. With such an obligation to Him, loyalty takes up an even greater roll and therefore means a lot to me.

4.       4.If my best friend were to betray me I would not be happy, in fact, I would be terribly upset. However, depending on the extent of the betrayal there wouldn’t be much to do but to restrain our friendship and slowly rebuild it.

5.       5.Around last year I had a best friend who was male and be built a very strong friendship. However, our friendship manifested into something more-we began liking each other. This is one of the cons of being best friends with someone of the opposite sex. Furthermore, our friendship became much more and things began to develop to a point where we were basically dating. After a month or so I found out that he liked my best friend. Then I was told that he only wanted her and he was using me until he got to her and I believed and basically through a silent tantrum. However, I later found out that that was not the case I was just a victim or circumstance.

6.      6. I cannot say if I was ever cheated on because I never witnessed such actions.

7.      7. If the betrayer was my best friend then that means that he/she disregarded the loyalty factor that should have existed in our relationship and I would have to break off the friendship.

8.       8.About a year ago I would probably operate on the principle ‘an eye for an eye’ when it comes to payback. However after undergoing spiritual change I would not seek to payback anyone.

9.       9.A few years ago my friend told me that she liked a guy and me and that guy became best friends a while after that. During our friendship she made it seem as though she did not like him anymore and I began to like him. I ensured that I told her and she upheld a ‘don’t care’ façade. So I continued in my relationship with the guy only to realize that she still liked him and was hurting terribly from it.

     10. I would say that I already received the punishment that I would give to myself because I went through heart ache when I lost her as friend. I had many sleepless nights and teary mornings but fortunately she is now my close friend again.